Alternative Addiction Recovery
Reiki is a means of re-aligning the body's energy to its optimal state. This life-force energy that is in all of us is very sensitive to thoughts and feelings. Stress (addiction is one type) is a detrimental drain on life-force energy and can be relieved by Reiki. According to the International Center for Reiki Training, Reiki has been used successfully at Hope Ranch, an addiction-treatment center in Oregon. Reiki relieved stress to promote calm and peace as well as alleviated physical symptoms of addiction. Anyone attuned to Reiki level one or above can provide treatments.
Acupuncture also works with the body's energy through energy meridians. Fine needles are placed at precise points depending upon the condition being treated. In Chinese medicine, illness of any type is thought to be due to a blockage of Qi (pronounced "chee"), the body's vital energy. Acupuncture unblocks Qi by using the energy meridians and restores the body to health. According to the National Drug Strategy Network, studies published in the British journal "The Lancet" and "The Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment" found acupuncture to be effective in treatment of addictions, especially alcoholism. Participants who were treated with acupuncture for addiction were more than 20 times more likely to continue a treatment program than the control group. There are acupuncture centers in most areas of the country.
Crystal Healing
Crystal healing should be done under the supervision of someone who has experience working with crystals. It is sometimes used in conjunction with other therapies. Fire Agate is a stone that promotes introspection and draws out problems for resolution. It helps eliminate cravings, which makes it useful for addiction recovery. Sodalite is an easily obtained deep-blue calming stone that boosts self-esteem and supports clear thinking, making it an excellent choice for addiction recovery. Dioptase, though expensive, is a detoxifier that can also help rejuvenate the overtaxed liver. Zeolite may help support release from addictions as well and also acts as a detoxifier. A clear quartz crystal is a universal and readily available stone that may be programmed to act with properties of any other stone. Crystals are usually held in the hand, worn as jewelry or placed in a nearby spot, like under the pillow at night or in the drawer of a frequently used desk.