Natural Anxiety and Depression Treatments
Set and Reach Goals
Achieving goals is a powerful way to boost self-esteem and improve mood. When goals are reached, there is a sense of accomplishment that creates a positive attitude. Set small, easily achieved goals in the beginning. Set higher goals to increase the sense of accomplishment as a positive attitude increases from achieving previous goals.
Socialization can take your mind off problems that might be causing you to feel anxious or depressed. Spend time with family and friends doing fun things to keep you occupied. Although it might be difficult to start getting out more, especially if you have been isolated because of anxiety or depression, include a few hours of socialization in your weekly routine.
An effective and healthy routine includes enough time for sleep. Create a routine that allows at least eight specific and consistent hours to sleep every day. If you have been having difficulty falling asleep, read a book until you fall asleep, don't take naps during the day, take a warm shower or use relaxation techniques. If natural methods fail, there are non-habit-forming medications that will help you relax so you can get the rest you need.
Regular exercise is strongly recommended by mental health professionals to help reduce symptoms of anxiety and depression. Schedule at least half an hour, three times or more a week, to take a walk, go for a jog or a swim.
A healthy, well-balanced diet low on sugars and stimulants is proven to reduce the symptoms of anxiety and depression. Sugars and stimulants create artificial energy. When the stimulants leave the body, the body reacts with a drop in energy. In addition, a healthful diet may help you to lose weight, improving a positive self-image.
Mind-Body Techniques
These include meditation, yoga, relaxation, hypnotherapy and guided imagery. Each is scientifically proven to be effective for helping to control the symptoms of anxiety and depression.These techniques are also effective at controlling or reducing the symptoms of many physiological conditions as well.
Keep a Journal
A journal can help you pinpoint triggers for your anxiety and depression. Once you recognize triggers, it might be easier to be prepared for the symptoms so you can stop them before they start. Short, one or two sentence notes, four or five times a day will help you to notice a pattern of triggers so you can take more control of reactions to triggers for your depression or anxiety.