ADHD Information for Children
Being unable to follow instructions, attend to tasks, complete assignments and follow through with projects are symptoms characteristic of ADHD. Children who talk excessively, climb or jump on things at inappropriate times, and cause significant disruption in other ways may be identified as having ADHD. ADHD can cause significant distress for children and can cause mild to severe delays in learning if not addressed and treated.
Using medications to treat ADHD can improve impulse control, calm anger or anxiety, and enhance attention. Stimulants (methylphenidate, dextro-amphetamine), antidepressants (fluoxetine, sertaline), alpha-blockers (clonidine, guanfacine) or anti-anxiety medications (diphenhydramine, buspirone) all have applications for treating ADHD. Many doctors combine different types of medications to great effect. Before putting your child on medication prescribed by a child psychologist, talk with your pediatrician to make sure you fully understand the risks and benefits associated with each medication.
Parenting Interverntions
Providing structure and routine can significantly improve behavior at home. Intervention methods include using a reward system for positive behavior, breaking up chores into smaller chunks or even something as small as giving verbal praise for desired behavior. Create a schedule or chart to provide visual cues, which often help ADHD kids complete chores.
School Interventions
Minimizing distractions in classrooms and/or separating children with ADHD from peers may be necessary. Scheduling short breaks during intensive instructional periods, reinforcing on-task behavior and shortening assignments are all modifications that can be done at school to better an ADHD student's performance. Talk to your child's teachers to see if any of these methods are appropriate for the classroom.
Therapeutic Interventions
To diagnose a child with ADHD a therapist relies on her own observations, along with teacher and parent reports. In addition to suggestion medications, therapists can teach cognitive behavioral skills such as relaxation and impulse-control techniques, and problem-solving strategies.