Narcissisism & Sociopathy
Personality disorders are diagnosed by a doctor, after taking a comprehensive history. A manual called the DSM-IV contains listings of all mental health disorders and the criteria that must be met for diagnosis. Your doctor will consult this manual and make his diagnosis.
Symptoms of Narcissism
Narcissistic personality disorder is characterized by exaggerated feelings of self-importance and superiority--the belief that you deserve admiration based on who you are, not what you've done, and a need for attention greater than what is observed in most people. People with narcissism often fantasize about how powerful, attractive or successful they are.
Symptoms of Sociopathy
People with antisocial personality disorder have a long-term pattern of disregard for others' feelings and rights. They also display a lack of empathy and remorse and feel that society's rules don't apply to them. Irritability and irresponsibility are common.
Overlapping symptoms
People with both disorders have difficulty maintaining relationships and can seem unemotional.
Treatment and Prognosis
Many people with these disorders don't seek treatment because they feel that the problem is with others. These disorders are difficult to treat and no medications exist to treat them. However, with long-term psychotherapy, symptoms can improve. Cognitive behavior therapy can be helpful as well.