ADHD Medication in Children
Taking a stimulant for ADHD is a common way to address symptoms. Stimulants include medications such as Adderall, Focalin, Vyvanse, Concerta and Ritalin. Stimulants improve focus and concentration in children with ADHD.
Central Alpha-Agonist
Using a central alpha-agonist for ADHD is another option. Medications such as Clonidine and Tenex help calm anticipatory anxiety often associated with poor impulse control in ADHD.
Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitor (SSRI)
Being prescribed an SSRI is an option for children with ADHD. Impaired focus and concentration can be improved with the use of an SSRI such as Prozac or Zoloft. Often parents feel these medications are safer than stimulants.
Using a medication prescribed for ADHD can be significantly beneficial in improving a child's functioning, especially in school settings. Improved attention and behavior can result in enhanced retention of material and prevent gaps in learning.
Refraining from using medication to address symptoms is a decision some parents make due to prescription costs, side effects or potential for abuse, particularly with the stimulants. There is also negative stigma attached to taking medication for ADHD in some communities.