Migraine Natural Treatments
Doctors once believed that migraines were caused by the constriction of blood vessels located in the brain, but they are now thought to be genetic and are related to an area in the brain that controls brain activity.
According to the Mayo Clinic, migraines can include any or all of the following symptoms: Moderate to severe pain that is confined to one side or affects both sides of the head; head pain with a pulsating or throbbing quality; pain that worsens with physical activity; pain that interferes with regular activities; nausea, with or without vomiting; and sensitivity to light and sound. People suffering from migraines may also experience a degree of vision loss during or leading up to the episode.
Reducing the Pain
There are several things that can be done to help ease the pain of a migraine, including: a warm bath or shower; lying down in a quiet, dark room; cold compresses; drinking a glass of ice water; massaging the area of the headache; stretching the muscles of the neck; and applying pressure to the areas of pain.
Several vitamins can help aid in the prevention and treatment of migraines. When you feel a migraine coming on take vitamin C, vitamin B6, magnesium, tryptophan and niacin. Niacin can make the blood rush to the skin, thus easing the effects of the migraine, but it can also cause the headache to return once the vitamins wear off.