Signs of a Gambling Addiction
Like most addictions, gambling addiction has a number of tell-tale warning signs. Observing these signals and acting quickly can help prevent a problem from becoming a full-blown addiction, or help someone with a problem get the help he needs.
Tolerance and Escape
Like many addictions, a gambling addiction can cause increased tolerance, or the need to gamble more often or for larger amounts of money, to achieve the same "high" that came from smaller bets or less frequent betting. Gambling addicts also often use their addiction as an attempt to escape from everyday concerns like problems on the job.
Illegal and Reckless Behavior
Gambling addicts, like many addicts, frequently turn to illegal and reckless behavior to obtain the cash they need to feed their habit. They may steal from family members, embezzle, or even participate in prostitution, in order to find the means to continue gambling.
Preoccupation, Loss of Control and Withdrawal Symptoms
Gambling addicts may find themselves compulsively thinking about gambling even when they are not gambling. They find they are unable to stop themselves from gambling even when it ceases to be enjoyable. Attempts to stop gambling often result in withdrawal symptoms similar to those suffered by drug addicts.
Financial Difficulties
Gambling addicts often face the threat of job loss due to poor performance and absenteeism. Other gambling addicts squander savings on their addictions, or neglect to pay essential bills by diverting cash to support their habit. They turn to friends and family for loans and bailouts to pay gambling debts. They frequently lie to others,or even to themselves, about how much money they actually spend on gambling.
Risking Significant Relationships
Gambling addicts continue to gamble even when significant relationships with spouses or children are at stake. Hard-core gambling addicts often withdraw from social activities which do not involve gambling and choose to spend their time with other gamblers rather than with friends and family.