Mood Swing Symptoms
Depressive Mood Swing
Feeling sad, tearful, irritable, worrisome and anxious is typical of a depressive episode. Depressive episodes are diagnosed when symptoms that include loss of appetite, loss of energy, changes in sleep patterns and thoughts of death or dying are present and significant enough to impact functioning. If these feelings and symptoms are persistent over a period of two weeks, a diagnosis of major depression may be considered.
Manic Mood Swing
Feeling elated, euphoric and on top of the world is typical of a manic episode. Manic episodes are diagnosed when symptoms such as inflated self-esteem, increased energy, little to no sleep, increased talking and risky behavior are significant enough to impact functioning.
Mixed Mood Swings
Having moods that swing from depression to mania are considered mixed mood episodes. Mixed episodes are diagnosed when symptoms of both manic and depressive episodes are observed every day over a period of at least a week and impact functioning.
Evaluation of mood swings is beneficial if an individual is suffering in school, work or relationships. An individual with severe mood swings may seek help from a mental health professional who will be able to evaluate and recommend options for treatment if necessary.
Treatment for mood swings that are diagnosed as meeting criteria for a mood disorder may include counseling, medication and/or hospitalization depending on how the mood swings are impacting daily functioning.