Danger Signs of Adolescent Suicide
Withdrawal from his Social Life
Most teens want to spend time with their peers. A suicidal teen will often do the opposite. He will gradually isolate himself from friends that he used to hang out with. SafeYouth.org also warns that a suicidal teen will often distance himself from his family members, even from his favorite sibling. He might lose interest in hobbies or extracurricular activities. There might be a sudden decline in his academic performance. The teen might begin to neglect his personal appearance and basic hygiene.
Changes in Behavior
According to KidsHealth.org, there are many behavioral changes. The teen might have a change in sleeping patterns. He might sleep excessively or suffer from insomnia. He may have a change in his typical eating habits. He might abuse substances such as drugs (legal and illegal drugs) and alcohol. He might complain of physical symptoms that are often linked to emotions such as stomachaches, headaches and fatigue. The teen might give away his favorite belongings or state that he will leave certain items behind for family members and friends. He may just discard his personal belongings. Know that a teen that tries to take his life is at greatest risk for another suicide attempt. Realize that the majority of suicide attempts are desperate cries for help and not a tactic to get attention.
Personality Change
Many teens go through a roller coaster of emotions as they try to form their own identities. However, a suicidal teen might have a noticeable personality change. He may engage in reckless or dangerous behavior. He may get in trouble with the law or with school. There may be frequent conflicts with parents. A suicidal teen may become obnoxious, irritable, rebellious, and violent because he is trying to distance himself from others. He may not tolerate compliments or rewards. Watch for a depressed teen that suddenly becomes cheerful as if he has suddenly found the solution to his emotional distress.
Suicide Talk
A suicidal teen may seek out people that he knows as if it were the last time that he will talk to them. He might create suicide notes that others can find. He might try to express his suicidal wishes by writing stories or poems that romanticize dying and death. A teen might leave many verbal hints that he is intending to commit suicide. The teen might convey his suicidal thoughts with statements such as, "I won't be a problem much longer," "in case something happens," and "I want you to know." Seek help immediately if you hear actual statements such as, "I wish I was dead," "I wish I could disappear," and "I need to kill myself." If you are in a suicide crisis, please call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-TALK. Know that you are not alone and there is help available. It is never too late.
Seek Help
Seek help immediately if you have seen any of these warning signs. Speak to your teen's physician and ask to be referred to a psychiatrist or psychologist. Keep all appointments with this mental health professional even if your teen resists. It is crucial that the teen learn coping mechanisms to deal with personal problems to reduce the chances that he will turn to self-destructive behavior in times of stress. It is important to seek help for family problems such as alcoholism, emotional abuse, and domestic violence because these issues can make a teen desperate for a solution to the ongoing conflicts within his family. Your local hospital can also be a source of help during a crisis situation. Treatment includes a complete psychiatric evaluation.