Chemical Imbalances That Cause Anger
Chemical imbalances are often linked to mental illness, depression, schizophrenia and other related psychological conditions. There are several signs of chemical imbalances of the brain, including increased hormone stress levels, increased levels of toxic neurochemicals and limited neurotransmitters.
Increased Hormone Stress Levels
Stress is commonly linked to chemical imbalances of the brain. This sign is often fueled by an individual's increased stress level. Because of the chemical imbalance that is accompanied by stress, other symptoms may surface, including headaches, fatigue or nausea. These symptoms signal to the body that its necessary chemical levels are not balancing properly.
Increased Levels of Toxic Neurochemicals
Toxic neurochemicals existing in the body is a sign of chemical imbalance. Such toxic neurochemicals enter the body by foods, gases or other means of consumption.
Limited Neurotransmitters
Scientific research shows that when there is a limited amount of neurotransmitters released in the brain, the balance of mood, senses and movements are also affected. In individuals who are manic depressive, for example, the neurotransmitters are either weakened or over-extensive--an unbalancing factor.
Causes of Chemical Imbalance
There are several theories of what causes chemical imbalance. Factors include continuous stressful experiences, environmental changes or underdeveloped cognitive skills. The inconsistent production of neurotransmitters like dopamine and serotonin are also factors to consider.
Mental Health
Researchers have discovered several ways to manage or control chemical imbalances. Mental health and well-being are the first steps to clarity, limited stress and eliminating depression--all factors that often contribute to chemical imbalances. If an individual experiences the symptoms of a chemical imbalance it is recommended that the individual speak with a medical professional as soon as possible. Acknowledging that resources are available is vital to understanding what causes chemical imbalances and what can be done to remedy the affects of chemical imbalances.