What is the Role of a Child Psychologist?
Child Psychiatrist's Role
Child psychologists can perform a variety of jobs in the treatment of children. One of their roles is to counsel children and their families. Child psychologists are trained to counsel children with family issues, behavior problems and mental illness.
Where Do Child Psychologists Work?
Child psychologists can also work in schools, hospitals or in court. Some child psychologists choose to focus on research and writing.
When to See a Child Psychologist
If your child is having behavioral problems at home or school, having problems adjusting, or not reaching developmental stages equal to his age, you may want to seek the help of a child psychologist.
Advantages of Seeing a Child Psychologist
Child psychologists specialize in children and their development.
Required Education
In order to be a licensed clinical psychologist, you need to finish a doctorate degree and then pass tests for your state in order to get its license. Child psychologists take many courses in child development and behavior.
How to Find a Child Psychologist
A pediatrician is a good source for referrals. He may have a child psychologist he works with on a regular basis. (See Resources below.)