The Causes of Severe Mood Swings
Hormonal Imbalance
During puberty, menstruation, and menopause, the hormones shift, triggering a variety of reactions. Irritability and anger are two. Example: For no apparent reason, you are angry and irritable over issues you probably would have normally dismissed. Everything is a big deal now. Hormonal imbalance is cited to be the number one cause of severe mood swings.
Stress comes from many sources: money, work, home and society --- to name a few. Stress is a common reason for severe mood swings. Example: At work you're having serious issues with a coworker and your boss refuses to hear your complaints. So you go home and have an argument with your spouse. How can your mind rest after that? Before you know it, you're highly stressed out.
When you suffer a devastating loss, you feel alone. Only time or the support of family and friends can heal the wound. The adverse effects of this loss can overtake your mind, spawning severe mood swings. Loss can come in the form of losing a treasured job or home, or the loss of a family member. During this period the effects of your loss fluctuate. One minute you're over it --- the next, you're swamped in misery again. Controlling these mood swings is an uphill battle.
"Did I just ace that interview? Or did I undoubtedly flunk?" This is an example of what can incite a mood swing. You're sure you did well, but then again, you're not so sure. Then you begin to over-analyze, which breeds worry and skepticism, hence severe mood swings. Ruminating over and over about a particular issue makes you positive and negative, no in-between.
We all fear something. However, some fear to the point of paranoia. thinking someone is out to get them all the time. Fearing everything saps the self-esteem and triggers depression, which causes severe mood swings. Fear can materialize as jealousy, possessiveness, and uncertainty of the unknown.
Find a positive outlet to release your negative thoughts. Reading and music are especially soothing to the mind and heart. Time your mood swings, take note of what fuels them, set a plan in action and keep it going. However, if you are unable to control your mood swings and the symptoms persist or become greater, seek medical treatment immediately.