How to Make Your Brain Improve
Things You'll Need
- omega-3
- Ginkgo Biloba
- water
- Olive Oil
Take Omega-3 Fish oils. I've been taking them for over two years daily, an it's incredible how much sharper my mind really is. I can focus much easier and remember things much better. I can remember something a year ago in great detail, like it was yesterday. Yikes, okay, I don't remember the title of the book. I guess it's safe to say I probably never really processed it. However, I did process the information.
Cook with Olive Oil. Olive oil is great for the memory. Don't use any vegetable oils, use Olive Oil when you're cooking. It's actually a very healthy oil for you.
Eat foods high in fatty acids. Fatty acids is what improves brain function. Eat fish, lean meats, legumes, nuts, especially walnuts, eat green leaved vegetables, and eat berries. Avoid foods high in saturated fat. 10 percent or lower is ideal. Avoid eating a lot of chips, popcorn, and fried foods. Not good for the brain at all.
Take Ginkgo Biloba. This is probably my favorite way to improve brain function. It greatly improves the memory. Like I mention in step one, there's things from years ago, I remember like yesterday. Heck, I can recall exactly what movie I saw two years ago, and remember it in great detail. I can't believe how much this has really improved my brain functioning. It increases oxygen to your brain.
Avoid stress and depression. Avoiding these things are crucial, to maintaining healthy brain functioning. Clear your mind and learn to relax more. I'll send a link about depression, from an article I wrote.
Drinking alcohol frequently, but not too much. I've read that drinking a few alcohol drinks a month, can actually enhance your brain. Obviously if you drink quite a lot and do drugs, this will kill quite a few brain cells. Don't abuse this.
Drink a lot of water. The brain is made up of 95% of water. Drinking water increases your energy, which obviously keeps your focus. Drink up!
Read a lot. It's extremely healthy for your brain. Your brain needs exercised, and what better way than reading? Do some cross word puzzles, too.
Get proper sleep. Getting sleep is critical for proper brain function. It's a way to process your thoughts from that day.