Social Effects of Alcohol
Too much alcohol can influence a person to do things he would never even think of doing if he were sober. One drink can help to open up a conversation and relieve tension, but sometimes one drink can lead to another, and another, and yet another. Knowing what the ramifications of heavy drinking are should make one think twice before drinking alcohol in excess. Some of the social effects of alcohol are listed below.-
Impaired Judgment
When someone has alcohol in his or her system, coordination and judgment become impaired, which can lead to a tragic event, such as a car accident.
Alcohol can affect one's hormone level and increase sex drive. If you're intoxicated, you're more vulnerable to rape and violence.
Loss of Friends
Alcohol consumption can cause aggression towards others, which can result in the loss of friends and can damage relationships with your family and loved ones.
Someone under the influence of alcohol may attract acquaintances she wouldn't normally socialize with, if she weren't drinking. These people can persuade her to do things she wouldn't do, if she were thinking straight.
Alcohol can cause embarrassment on the part of the person drinking and on the part of that person's friends and family.
Ease of Tension
On the positive side, one drink with a friend can lessen nervousness and tension---as long as the person drinking doesn't consume more than he should.