About Pastoral Counseling
Pastoral counselors gain their certification through the American Association of Pastoral Counselors. The AAPC is an agency that accredits Pastoral Counseling Centers in North America as well as around the world. The AAPC grants approval for training programs. Their original goal was to establish and maintain standards, order and communication in pastoral counseling. They now promote the profession and offer training. Your pastoral counselor's certification assures you that he has received the proper education and training, and is competent and well prepared to meet your needs.
The Counseling Difference
With pastoral counseling, you receive spiritual assistance as well as psychological treatment. If you have a strong foundation in religion, this might be a more desirable option than a traditional psychologist, psychiatrist or social worker.
Types of Counseling
Pastoral counselors can assist by providing counseling for adults, children and families. They offer therapy for mental disorders, substance abuse and spiritual direction. They can help you with any life crisis situation that occurs.
Any Religion
The American Association of Pastoral Counselors is non-sectarian. Your pastoral counselor will not try to influence you with his own beliefs. He will be respectful of your own person spiritual beliefs.
Where Are They?
Pastor counselors can be found in many states throughout the nation. The American Association of Pastoral Counselors maintains a database of accredited centers and counselors (see Resources).