How to Help You Stop Your Gambling Addiction From Destroying Your Life
Gambling addiction has the highest suicide rate of all addictions because of the despair that gambling addiction causes.
Here are some tips to help stop your gambling addiction from truly destroying your life. If you have a gambling addiction, and you need help, the greatest step that you have taken now is that you are truly looking for help.
Things You'll Need
- A desire to stop gambling addiction and find a better way to live.
- A commitment to changing behavior after finding help for a gambling addiction.
You must first recognize that you have a problem. If you are in denial of your gambling addiction, you will continue to gamble and destroy your life. You have to be honest with yourself that you do indeed have a problem. Admitting this to yourself is not easy, however, it is very freeing once you do this.
Call and talk to a trained gambling addiction counselor on a hotline in your local area. When you talk to someone, they can give you referrals of providers in your area who can help you. You may also want to look into Gamblers Anonymous 12 Step meetings. You can go to
for more information. -
Make a decision each morning that you wake up that you will not gamble on this particular day. Stopping an addiction is a "one day at a time" type thing. Do not promise yourself that you will never gamble again. Promise yourself each morning that you will not gamble on that given day.
Join an online gambling help forum so you can have gambling addiction support right from the comfort of your own home. Safe Harbor is one particular forum and it is quite active.
Look for gambling addiction self help books that can help you with your gambling addiction through writing, understanding, and education about your addiction. There are many self-help books on gambling addiction, however, you want to find one that is truly affordable and very comprehensive.