How to Enhance a Self Image
Write down 10 positive things about yourself. Include all areas from your looks, intelligence, accomplishments, and talents. Do not stop at 10 if you can think of more. Be generous with yourself.
Write down all of the things you do to make yourself feel and look good. It could be wearing good clothes that fit well, getting a flattering hair cut, eating healthy foods, or taking time for favorite hobbies. A person with a negative self image will often deny herself these basic things.
Listen to your self talk, especially when something goes wrong. Assess whether you are always taking the blame for things not working. See if this thinking is holding your back from moving on in your life. It could be holding you back from pursuing your true dreams and getting the things you want and need from life.
Start forgiving yourself for not being perfect. Remember that nobody is perfect. Forgive yourself for making mistakes. Recognize that mistakes are often opportunities to improve yourself or to move on in life. Treat and encourage yourself as you would a good friend.
Help someone else. You can go shopping for an elderly neighbor, work at a food kitchen, or offer to babysit for a couple of hours for a new mom. Even small things like smiling at someone or calling the new person in the office by name can turn someone's day around. When you make someone else's life easier, it confirms that you are a good person and enhances your self image.
Stand naked in front of a mirror and look for all of the good qualities you possess. Ignore the large thighs and look at your beautiful eyes, shiny hair, great legs, or overall healthy and fit look. Do not forget all of the positive mental and emotional attributes you possess.
Put yourself in the place of your therapist or best friend. List what you do not like about yourself. Present the list to yourself as though you are the listener. Counsel and encourage yourself as you would a patient. We are much meaner to ourselves than we would ever be to any friend. Give yourself advice on how to change or accept every flaw.
Seek professional help. Sometimes professional help is the best way to go when trying to come to terms with negative thoughts.
Confront the people who are responsible for your negative thoughts. When you ask people from your past why they said certain things to you or why they wanted to make you feel bad about yoursellf we often find that they had no clue what damage or hurt they were inflicting to your life or to your self image. We realize that they were often just trying to deal with their own prolbems at the time. Be forgiving and loving.