How to Identify a Narcissist

Many of us have heard the word "narcissist" freely used to describe self-absorbed people. However, narcissism as a disorder is a much more serious condition and can be classified by a number of symptoms. Although you can identify a narcissist through varying symptoms and use these descriptions to help you understand and cope with the person you are dealing with, only a physician can clinically diagnose the disorder.


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      See if they have the signature trait. A narcissist will try to convince the world how wonderful and great they are. They appear to be deeply in love with themselves.

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      Observe if they always seek compliments. Narcissists constantly place themselves in situations where their grandiose self-concepts can be affirmed.

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      See if they are self promoters. They will constantly point out the evidence of their self superiority. They will also amplify positive feedback and downplay the negative.

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      Observe how they act around others. Narcissists have a cynical and unsympathetic view of others. They are insensitive to other people's concerns.

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      See how they act around loss. When defeated, they will put down their competitors, even if it they face long-term social consequences for their actions.

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      See if they try to convince you that everyone loves them. Narcissists walk around try to convince themselves that everyone loves them when they actually have a hard time believing that is possible.

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      Observe how the person talks to you.

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