How to Treat Shoplifting Addiction
Know that shoplifting addiction is fairly common and should not be a source of shame. Accept shoplifting as a problem that requires treatment and support to overcome.
Seek help from a professional therapist to identify the underlying or co-existing conditions. Check the phone book or ask a physician to recommend a therapist.
Join Cleptomaniacs and Shoplifters Anonymous (CASA). Visit the CASA website for information about programs, meetings, treatment, counseling and therapy. Look into Shopaholics Anonymous for support for compulsive shopping that leads to shoplifting.
Follow a 12-Step program to overcome the shoplifting addiction. Understand that shoplifting as an addiction is treated in the same way as other addictions and that the 12-Steps are effective.
Find a same-sex sponsor in the 12-Step program that can offer guidance through the steps. Choose a sponsor that has successfully worked the program for at least one year and that offers a high level of support, trust and assurance.
Investigate telephone counseling when face-to-face meetings are not possible. Arrange regular telephone meetings per the advice of the counselor.
Check out online resources for support. Participate in message boards and subscribe to related newsletters.
Discuss the possibility of depression as a coexisting condition that facilitates the shoplifting. Explore the options for medications that can help.