How to Identify Passive Aggressive Behavior Patterns
A passive aggressive person forgets yet another task, date, appointment or obligation, especially those of a recurring nature. He appears very disorganized when, in fact, he knows exactly what is happening and when. He makes excuses when confronted.
If an individual's behavior says "the rules do not apply to me," as they attempt to get by with minimal work effort, break rules, gossip, or cover up infractions, they might be passive aggressive. She might leave work a few minutes early or arrive late, but not on a daily basis.
A passive aggressive person places roadblocks in your path caused by the passive-aggressive behavior patterns. Tell him you are continuing on with your goals; do not be afraid to call her on her behavior.
A passive aggressive person denies anger, but appears outwardly angry and shuts you out when you want to discuss the problem. She fears or complains about authority repeatedly.
A passive aggressive person displays disrespect, and attacks the weaknesses of others, especially when there is close working conditions and a common goal.
A passive aggressive person refuses to provide a direct answer or commitment, is very ambiguous and makes general statements that do not answer questions.
A passive aggressive person denies responsibility for a problem to family members, business associates, or friends. Or, sometimes, the passive aggressive individual will not even acknowledge the problem at all.