How to Recognize Behaviors That May Indicate Suicidal Thoughts
The first step in determining what behaviors may be reflected when someone is considering suicide is to understand the types of reasons that one may consider taking their own life. I have detailed some of the most common situations below. Please keep in mind, though, that there are many possible reasons. This is just a small list that can be considered for the purpose of this post.
1. An individual may have recently lost a spouse due to suicide, natural death, sickness, or divorce.
2. If a person has a history of failed suicide attempts, they are more likely to consider this option of release again if an unbearable situation is experienced.
3. Those that have a history of suicide in their families may follow with an attempt or consideration of taking their own lives.
4. Various forms of abuse may lead one to feel as if their only escape from the pain, burdens, and secrets that they keep is to do away with their own lives. This covers abuse that is mental, sexual, and physical.
5. Individuals that depend on alcohol, illegal drugs, and prescription medications may experience suicidal thoughts. There are many cases in which a person may depend heavily on just over-the-counter medications and consider suicide.
6. If one has experienced a recent loss of a friend, relative, or someone else they care about, they may feel that this is a solution to escaping the emotions that they experience.
7. Many feel this is an option when they suffer from health conditions and diseases that may affect their overall quality of life.
8. Those that feel overwhelmed physically and/or emotionally may consider this.
9. Certain professionals are more prone to suicide than others. High risk careers include law enforcement, paramedics, doctors, and even law careers.
10. Those that suffer from a type of mental illness may be prone to experiencing considerations of suicide
The first and most obvious behavior that may be exhibited when someone is experiencing suicide is that they mention the fact that they often feel as if they want to do away with themselves. Unfortunately, many people who express this to others are often viewed as one who wants attention. While this may be true in some situations, isn't it only right that they get the attention and help that they are seeking? If they feel the need to express their desire to kill themselves, it is only right that we take the time to take them seriously and help them get the help that they need. Most people who experience this mode of thinking are not "crazy", or anything like that, they are just not equipped with the proper coping mechanisms to deal with the things in life that are overwhelming them. It is vital that all suicide expressions are taken into serious consideration.
The next behavior is a bit hard to interpret sometimes. This is if the person has recently dealt with a loss of any nature, experienced a traumatic event, or something else has occurred in their life where depression and anxiety is experienced. While it is true that these people may be experiencing suicidal thoughts, not all do. Sometimes, these people need a little adjustment time. However, it is not a bad idea to check in with them and ensure that all is going as well as possible and let them know of your availability if needed.
The next behavior that may be experienced is that the individual withdraws from others. A person who once valued their family, and friends, and even coworkers may suddenly appear as if they want to be alone and antisocial. It is possible that a periodic withdrawal may be required to deal with severe emotions with no suicidal thoughts. However, if you are concerned, do not wait around for interpretation because you may find that you are too late. If you have a concern, do not be afraid to express your concerns to the individual that you feel may be on the road to self destruction.
Many individuals who are experiencing suicide may attempt to do many things at once in order to stay busy and try to "push" the thoughts out of their head. You may find a person throwing themselves into their work, their studies, community projects, and other types of activities in order to keep their thoughts on other things. While this may actually be a positive thing because they are trying to overcome the thoughts that they are experiencing, it may still be a good idea to encourage counseling or even that they talk to a trusted friend. If the person experienced any "down" time, or if they keep themselves too busy, they may experience exhaustion, and other undue stresses on the mind and body. It may even be possible that they get so tired of trying to push the thoughts out of their head by staying busy that they finally just give in and take their life.
Behaviors that are considered "reckless" to most, and do not reflect the normal behaviors of the person may indicate a high potential for suicide. For example, if substance abuse of alcohol and drugs is experienced, being reckless in sexual affairs and other activities may actually indicate that the individual no longer values their life and are at a high risk for taking their lives. If you notice anything out of the "norm", there should be a concern. Do not be afraid to approach the individual and extend a helping hand. In the end, this gesture may be what helps them get to the help that they need the most.
If you know that a person has experienced a personal loss of any kind - death of a loved one, loss of employment - or similar things, you should keep an eye on their overall behavior. In addition to this, if they have experienced any type of trauma, such as being a victim of a crime, domestic abuse, sexual abuse, and other areas that are along the same lines, you may find that they are experiencing a lot of emotions and feelings. These may or may not be openly displayed, but they are there. Lingering behind these emotions may be a strong desire to commit suicide.
There are many who consider suicide that will actually begin making arrangements. This can include setting up funeral arrangements, giving possessions to others, ensuring that they make contact with certain people and expressing certain things to these people, cleaning out their home, composing a will, and even writing the note that they will leave behind once they decide it is time for them to go. If you catch any type of this activity going on, it should alert you.
There are many individuals who will start to lose interest in things that they once enjoyed. These individuals also may allow their personal appearance to fall. They may not be as concerned for how they look, or their health. This may sometimes be a sign of basic depression, but it could indicate that the individual has lost the motivation to live as well.
Finally, there are many cases in which all behavior will lean towards the fact that the person who is suffering with suicidal thoughts is miserable. There are some cases, though, when a person will go from depressed to optimistic. Unfortunately, this does not always constitute recovery. In many cases, it indicates that the mind has been made up and the person has come to terms with the fact that they are going to commit suicide.
For many in this frame of mind, relief is experienced once the suicide plans are in place and all that is required is some final touchups in their life. This may mean that they have come to terms with this decision and are ready to face their choice. In all actuality, this behavior should be the behavior that causes the most concern. If this happens, you will know that this is a person who is very serious about ending their lives.
If you identify the behaviors that may indicate suicidal thoughts, it is important that you know how to handle the situation. Trust me, it is important that you know what to do and when to do it. I have experienced suicide firsthand more than once in my life. Trust me when I say that if you do not know what to look for, or ignore the behaviors, it is very likely that the person may eventually give in, and you will be left behind to deal with the emotions, loss, and blame. The following details some actions that you can take:
1. Speak to the person directly, and be as honest as possible. If you want to know if they are considering suicide, ask them. Be sure to listen to their tone, their words, and watch their actions. In many cases, the mouth will say "no" and the rest of the body will say "yes". They just may be fearful or embarrassed to admit it. Many may even feel as if they tell someone they will be judged as "crazy" - when this is really not the case at all.
2. If you feel as if the person is suicidal, you may want to discuss the concern with friends and family members. If the person has told you something in confidence, it does not have to be revealed, but you could simply approach the family members, and/or friends and let them know, "hey, you know, _______ seems like they are quite troubled. Just keep an extra eye on them".
3. If the individual has access to weapons, it is important to either confiscate them or contact the proper authorities for the proper intervention.
4. If suicidal thoughts are admitted, inform the individual that there are counseling options available and help them get the help that they need.
5. If you feel as if the person is an immediate danger to themselves, call the authorities right away.
Suicidal thoughts can affect any person, at any time. Thoughts of self-destruction and behaviors that may lead to self-destruction do not always mean that a person suffers from a mental illness, or that they are "crazy". Most of the time, it simply indicates that a person is unsure of how to deal with certain events and emotions in their life. Many times, the person really does not want to die, but they feel cornered in by their own emotions and simply need a way to cope with the things that are overwhelming them.