How to Determine Daily Sodium Needs
Determine your current sodium level. Blood and urine tests can confirm your body's sodium concentration and usage. The normal blood sodium level is 136 to 145 mEq/L. Knowing your base line will help dictate your best course of dietary action.
Assess your current health and fitness level. Certain conditions could call for additional dietary restrictions or needs. Athletes and the elderly could have very different daily sodium needs. People with high blood pressure and kidney conditions will also have different goals.
Understand your medication regimen. Certain medications can greatly increase or decrease your body's sodium levels or ability to properly use sodium. This will directly affect your daily sodium needs.
Know the signs of sodium imbalance. Having too much or too little sodium in your body can lead to serious complications including death. Understanding the warning signs can alert you to impending complications.
Monitor your daily sodium intake. Since your health and fitness level changes over time, it is important to have the most current information for determining you daily sodium needs.