How to Overcome Obsessions and Compulsions
Listen to a recording of yourself saying that pesky phrase over and over again. This phrase is usually a question about whether or not you turned off the stove, the lights or the iron, or maybe it is a phrase that simply recurs in your mind and brings high levels of anxiety. Listen to the phrase that taunts you every day and night at least 1 to 2 hours per day until it loses its power over you. This is one way to overcome the obsessions and compulsions that stem from worrying thoughts.
Form healthy habits to overcome obsessions and prevent compulsions from forming. Many choose to turn to addictions or dangerous behavior to get a temporary high that keeps their minds off their obsession. Choose healthy exercise, read or spend time with friends to overcome your problems.
Seek cognitive-behavioral treatment from a licensed professional. These treatments have been perfected over the years and are very successful. They are best for those who have extensive obsessions and compulsions that greatly interfere with day-to-day activities.
Use a self-help system. There are books available for those with mild to moderate obsessive behavior that can help you overcome your anxieties. In any case, whether you work alone or with a professional, you should follow the treatment system precisely.
Keep a daily journal of your obsessions and compulsions. This can help you evaluate your states of anxiety and fear on a regular basis. It can also help you look back and realize that what you feared did not come to pass. Taking that information into each new day with you can help you overcome your obsessions and compulsions.