How to Spots Signs of Mental Illness
Notice an inability to cope with life's daily activities and challenges. If you find yourself or a loved one becomes increasingly overwhelmed and stressed by normal activities, you should speak to your physician.
Watch for a noticeable personality change. You can spot signs of mental illness like extreme anger or sadness not usually seen in a person's character.
Spot signs of mental illness by paying attention to whether a loved one acts in a strange or grandiose manner. You can easily spot signs of mental illness if you notice a loved one hears voices or becomes delusional with feelings of inflated self-importance. Contact his doctor or a psychiatrist immediately.
Be on the lookout for drug and alcohol abuse, also signs of mental illness. Many victims of mental illness self-medicate with various drugs or alcohol to cope with overwhelming feelings or a fear of losing control.
Determine if a prolonged depression exists. Everyone gets depressed once and a while, but it you find that a loved one has difficulty functioning each day due to depression or apathy over an extended period of time, encourage them to seek help right away.