How to Gain Self-control
Things You'll Need
- Support group or supportive friends and family
Identify your bad habit. The first step to gaining self-control is to know what is controlling your life. You may not even realize you have allowed something else to control you until you truly evaluate your lifestyle. If you have a hard time discovering your bad habit, ask your family or friends if they have noticed anything controlling you.
Ask yourself why. Why do you need to have an extra order of fries? Why do you feel the need to take a cigarette break every hour? Why do you bite your nails? You might be surprised at the answers you find to explain your lack of self-control.
Make a resolution. It doesn't have to be New Year's Day to make a resolution. Start right now to resolve to stop your bad habit and then work towards that end.
Rally support. Ask your friends and family to help you break your bad habit. You will be more certain to find success if you have to report your progress to others. If you feel uncomfortable leaning on your friends and family, check your community for a support group. Many people find they are more successful being able to share their successes and failures with other people who struggle with the same things.
Cut yourself some slack. It's OK if you occasionally fall back into your old habits. That doesn't mean you are losing control. Brush yourself off and start over again. Report your failure to someone you trust who can encourage you to get right back on your feet.