How to Become Self-Confident
Identify why you feel insecure. If you lack self-confidence because you don't like your looks, indulge in a makeover. If you feel that you are too weak to defend yourself, take a self-defense class. Identify what you don't like about yourself and find ways to change it.
Stand up for yourself. Just because you don't appreciate yourself doesn't mean you should let others under appreciate you. Start by refusing to take on someone else's workload or agreeing to stay late when you have prior plans. If you act self-confident, you will become self-confident.
Appreciate your accomplishments. Everyone is good at something, so be sure to praise yourself when you do something well. Allow other people to congratulate you or praise your work when you make achievements. Being successful is a great confidence-booster.
Force yourself out of your comfort zone. Take baby steps to building your self-confidence by doing something out of the ordinary. Attend a party or even consider hosting one yourself. Accept an invitation for a date or ask someone else out instead.
Learn to value yourself. Tell yourself over and over again that you are valuable. Make other people treat you that way. By telling yourself that you matter, you will exude self-confidence to others, who in turn will treat you with more respect.