How to Counsel a Man Who's Been Raped
Offer a male counselor if you are working in a rape crisis center or any other public place and you are female. Some male rape victims will be more comfortable discussing the rape with another male.
Put aside any gender biases of you own. A man who has been raped should be viewed no differently from a woman who was a victim of the same crime. Some people feel that men should be able to fight off their attackers.
Understand male rape myths. Society has myths such as men can not be victims of rape. The male victim might be confused if he got an erection during the rape whether he was raped by a man or a woman. If his attacker was a male, he might think this means he is homosexual.
Provide an environment safe for disclosure but do not force the victim to tell you anything he doesn't want to.
Use appropriate terminology when asking direct questions. Do not make the patient have to interpret your questions.
Refer the patient to a sexual abuse counselor who has experience working with male rape victims.