How to Trust Strangers
While it is wise to be cautious and not talk to total strangers, there are times when we are asked to trust unknown people. We go to doctors whom we don't know, or we may be in an accident and have to trust a stranger to help us. Everyone is a stranger at some time, so it is best to define our own boundaries before dismissing perfect strangers out of hand.Instructions
Watch for signs of dishonesty. If a person says one thing while doing another, this person may not be trustworthy. Watch how the stranger is acting. If he seems to be nervous, consider ending the encounter.
Listen to your inner voice. Often, we dismiss our inner self-talk because we have not learned to trust ourselves. Our subconscious usually knows more than we do consciously and gives us warnings when we are tuned into our inner voice. Learn to discern between inner knowledge and stereotypes you may be harboring.
Follow the lead of those you do trust. Asking for referrals to doctors, hairdressers, financial advisers and mechanics is a good rule of thumb to get an introduction to strangers who offer services. Going to social events with friends who have been there before gives the people a bit of a preapproval benefit.
Talk to strangers before giving over your money or your intimacy. Ask smart questions that will give you some clue to their character. Judge others as you want to be judged.
Find common denominators upon which you can place your judgment, such as knowledge of community events or colleagues or other connections that you may have in common. Ask questions for which you know the answers to gauge if a stranger is lying to you.