How to Recognize Factitious Disorder
Know that doctors don't really know what causes factitious disorder, but there are many theories. One theory is that a person with Factitious Disorder seeks attention because of something he feels he lacks or has lacked in childhood. This feeling can be entirely unconscious.
Realize that a person with factitious disorder often lies about or exaggerates disease symptoms. He may undergo risky diagnostic tests or alter test outcomes to achieve special attention or sympathy.
Acknowledge that a person with factitious disorder isn't motivated by financial gain or avoiding criminal prosecution. His motivation is solely attention.
Recognize that a person with factitious disorder often has extensive knowledge of medical texts and terminology. A high percentage of nurses and healthcare workers are found among sufferers of factitious disorder.
Note that people with factitious disorder may have many surgical scars, either from diagnostic tests or self-inflicted injuries. They often suffer from substance abuse and suicide attempts.
Be aware that factitious disorder is often difficult to recognize because of dishonesty. If a doctor doesn't find any physical symptoms, he may refer the patient to a psychologist or psychiatrist for diagnosis.