How to Recognize Conduct Disorder
Know that children with conduct disorder are frequently looked upon by society as being delinquent rather than being mentally ill. They may steal, exhibit aggression toward other people and animals, destroy property, and continually violate serious rules such as staying out all night and skipping school.
Recognize that conduct disorder usually can be traced back to brain damage, child abuse, genetic vulnerability, failure in school or a traumatic life experience. Treating the underlying cause of conduct disorder is an important part of overall treatment, and is made more difficult by the child's mistrust of adults. Often the assistance of parents, teachers and other adults closely involved with the child becomes vital in determining the underlying cause.
Learn that parents will also need expert advice in coping and managing the child both at home and in social settings. Medication may be prescribed for children also suffering from depression, or those who have trouble staying focused.
Find that left untreated, children and adolescents with conduct disorder become adults who have trouble maintaining relationships, holding a job, and are frequently in trouble with the law. Therefore, early intervention and the proper mix of psychotherapy and behavior modification is key to help the patient learn to manage their anger in socially acceptable ways.