How to Recognize Conversion Disorder
Be aware of stressful situations in the person's life. If the person you suspect of having conversion disorder has gone through or is currently going through a highly stressful event such as the loss of a loved one or the loss of job, be on the look out for physical manifestations of these emotional stressors.
Observe the person's motor skills. Conversion disorder often strikes the motor skills first. Watch for the following: loss of balance, paralysis, lost sensitivity to touch and pain, trembling, vomiting and the loss of the ability to swallow.
Look for other symptoms such as the sudden loss of voice, loss of hearing, blurred vision, loss of sight, hallucinations, seizures and convulsions.
Investigate the person's family medical history. Conversion disorder tends to run in families, if this person has a family member that has had or currently has it, the likelihood of that they too suffer from Conversion disorder is increased.
Seek medical attention. If you suspect that someone you know is showing symptoms of conversion disorder, make an appointment for that person to see a licensed psychologist, psychiatrists or psychotherapist.
Go to the hospital if the person is having unexplained seizures, paralysis or is experiencing the inability to feel pain. This will prevent anyone from being seriously injured.