How to Create Rorschach Tests
Things You'll Need
- Cardstock
- Pen ink (black, white and various colors)
Creating the Images
Obtain a copy of the images for the Rorschach Test. Go to the Rorschach association for copies or visit the American Psychological Association website for information on obtaining copies of the original test. Note that you must be a licensed professional to obtain these documents.
Get 15 sheets of white cardstock and black cardstock (10 white and 5 black). Fold the cardstock in half to make 10 sheets of each color.
Get high quality black, white, and red ink. Preferably buy it from a craft store so it isn't runny. Lay the paper down on a flat surface to prepare to make the inkblots.
Dribble the black ink on the white cardstock and the white ink on the black cardstock. Fold the cardstock together and press the ink into itself, pressing firmly along the edges.
Repeat step four with the red ink on the remaining 5 sheets of white cardstock. Use up to three or four colors to create the colored images; blue, yellow and green are common in Rorschach Tests.
Administering the Test
Allow the tests to dry. Gather a pad and pencil to record your observations for administering the test.
Show your ink blots to your client one by one. Slowly cycle through all the images.
Return to the first image and ask the client what they see. Record all information they state, taking note of any emotional cues, body language, or unconventional interpretations.
Cycle through the rest of the images using the same process in step 3, allowing the client plenty of time to process the image. Rotate the images for the client and pull away or closer to them if they desire.
Record all of the information and then go back through and look for recurrent themes within the clients processing such as faces, nature, death and love. Research a desired method of interpretation into the client's mental processing; the John E. Exner method is popular in the United States.