How to Treat Schizotypal Personality Disorder
Things You'll Need
- Anti-psychotic prescription medication
- Psychiatrist or psychologist
Determine if the symptoms of schizotypal personality disorder are present. These include an excessive preoccupation with "magical thinking" (clairvoyance, superstition and other types of telepathy), an increased isolation from people who do not share those beliefs and eccentric patterns of speaking and reasoning that may be elaborate and arcane.
Seek the opinions of a qualified mental health professional, such as a psychologist or psychiatrist, in order to determine if schizotypal personality disorder is present. Additionally, symptoms may be only a small part of a much more serious condition, such as schizophrenia or manic depression.
Use individualized psychotherapy in order to treat a schizotypal personality disorder, which is the preferred method. With schizotypal personality disorder, however, it is extremely important to maintain a non-threatening, comfortable environment for the patient, and to refrain from challenging or discrediting their belief system.
Consider using some types of prescribed medications to treat the more acute symptoms of a schizotypal personality disorder. Anti-psychotic medications should be used in relatively small doses in comparison to a true psychosis, such as schizophrenia.
Follow up the individualized psychotherapy with group therapy in order to help the person feel more grounded and connected to others. It is important to restrict the group to individuals with a schizotypal personality disorder in order to avoid confrontations from others who may criticize and joke about the patient's eccentric belief systems. Note that this may be difficult to do, since schizotypal personality disorder is relatively rare in comparison to other types of personality disorders.
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