How to Know When to See a Doctor for Difficulty Concentrating

To know when you should see a doctor for difficulty concentrating, you will need to identify potential causes for your difficulties. All of us have trouble focusing on the task at hand when we are tired or stressed out, but when you cannot find a benign cause for your concentration lapses, it may be time to see your physician for help.


  1. Review Potential Benign Causes

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      Consider how long it has been since you took a break. Studies have shown that working too long without a break can cause loss of concentration and a reduction in the quality of thinking.

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      Get more sleep. Lack of sleep is the most common cause of failing concentration, and typically doesn't indicate a need to see your doctor.

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      Avoid jet travel. Jet lag is a common cause of temporary difficulties with concentration.

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      Check for caffeine withdrawal. Drastically cutting back your caffeine intake can cause difficulty concentrating until your body gets used to functioning without caffeine.

    Look for Signs of a Serious Underlying Illness

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      Watch for difficulty concentrating combined with weakness and dizziness. In combination, these are symptoms of anemia (iron deficiency), for which you should see your doctor. It is especially important to take a child to the doctor when anemia is suspected, as it can cause growth problems.

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      Check for incoherent speech, rapid pulse rate and general memory loss when you experience difficulty concentrating. Know that when these symptoms occur in combination, you should see your doctor to be tested for fluoride toxicity.

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      Call your doctor when difficulty concentrating follows after a blow to the head. This can indicate a concussion, which requires monitoring by a medical professional.

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      Watch for a rapid heartbeat, sweating and weight loss. Know that these are symptoms of hypothyroidism (an overactive thyroid gland). Potential hypothyroidism needs to be evaluated by your doctor.

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      Evaluate your mood. Continued feelings of sadness and difficulty continuing over a period of at least 2 weeks may indicate clinical depression that requires a visit to your doctor.

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