How to Feel Confident
Teach yourself. Actors who have worked on their acting skills will have more confidence than their counterparts. To make yourself feel confident, it takes practice and knowledge. Being confident when talking to strangers can come with studying up on human nature. Understanding people in a broad sense helps you find the similarities that we all share.
Dress to feel good. Being confident comes with feeling good about yourself. If you enjoy dressing up, dress up. When jeans and tennis shoes are more your style, roll with it. Don't try to be something that you aren't.
Document your accomplishments. Sit down and put together a scrapbook or journal listing all of your accomplishments, and all of the things you are good at. It makes you will feel confident. This can help you get on the road to achieving more of your goals, as well.
Challenge yourself. Set goals that will challenge your weaknesses and will help you build them into strengths. Staying in your comfort zone, or setting your goals too high, can feed into failure and low self-esteem.
Give yourself a pep talk. Encourage yourself, instead of beating yourself up, and you can turn lack of self respect into self confidence. It is true that we all tend to be our own worst critics, but confident people believe in themselves and feel confident.