How to Recognize Gambling Addiction Symptoms
Watch for a change in a person's behavior. This can be a sign that a person has a gambling addiction. Many times when a person has become preoccupied with a habit that isn't very good for them, their other social skills and relationships fall to the wayside.
Catch someone in a lie. If this happens, it's a symptom of a gambling addiction. This doesn't mean any little white lie; more importantly, it has to do with those involving their behavior in relation to money and placing bets. If you've caught someone in a lie and you think there is a problem, find out if there have been more lies about money in the past.
Monitor whether the person is selling items to make money. It's one thing for a person to hold a garage sell or get some things off their hands. It's an entirely different matter to start selling hoards of items to make some extra cash quickly. Again, really examine behaviors and characteristics if you think someone has a problem.
See if the person knows when to stop. This can hinder a person's lifestyle if they cannot show restraint when it comes to gambling. If someone can't walk away until they've spent every last dime, or even after they've bitten off more than they can chew, then there could be a very serious problem.
Notice if the person is spending lots of time gambling online or physically going to a place where gambling is permitted. When it seems to become something more than simple recreation, it's time to take a second look at the situation.
Listen for small clues about a gambling problem. If someone gives you small clues about the fact they may have a problem with gambling, listen up. They may be trying to tell you something and are asking for help in their own way.