How to Sharpen Memory
Make an association. Find something that reminds you of the item, person or thought you are trying to remember. By focusing on the similarities between these two things, each will remind you of the other when you think of it.
Use mnemonics as a tool to remember more information. Mnemonics is a method that helps you remember things by creating new ones. Not only can you create a rhyme, a song from the concept you want to remember, you can create a new word from each letter and make a sentence to help remember those letters. For example, the word ROAD would mnemonically change into Riddle Out And Different.
Focus on the details by locating the little things. Take a look at the colors in the item you're trying to recall, focus on the small aspects that have originality and are, many times, hard to forget.
Make sure you are attentive to all the things going on around you. Paying close attention to your surroundings and the events happening nearby can help you remember certain things much better than if you were to just glance around.
Think positively about your memory. If you think that you have a poor memory, then you'll simply trick yourself into not remembering things. Negative thoughts can hinder your abilities; however, it works the same way with positive thinking--believe you can do it and you'll be able to.