How to Keep Unwanted Feelings Away
Choose a specific time and place to feel bad. Allot yourself 15 minutes to be sad or angry or afraid. At the end of 15 minutes, wash your face and get on with your day.
Listen to music, but nothing too familiar. Absolutely don't listen to any music with lyrics. Instead, choose music you have never heard before. Good choices include new age and electronic dance music. Let the music drown out your internal dialogue.
Turn on the TV. Find a situation comedy with a laugh track and listen to it while you do other things. It's difficult to feel bad when others are laughing, even if the laughter is canned.
Focus on other people. Few things will lift your spirits as well as helping others.
Resolve not to let your feelings get in your way. Do what needs doing. This is a central tenet of constructive living, a life approach that focuses on accepting reality and focusing on your purpose.