Yoga Poses for Tennis
Cow Face Pose
The Cow Face Pose will help open your shoulders and create balance and symmetry between your external hip rotators. Begin from a tabletop position, balanced on your hands and knees. Slide your right knee in front of your left and sit back as you spread your feet and ankles out to their opposite sides. If your bottom does not reach the floor, sit on top of a bolster or folded blanket. Sit tall and extend your left arm overhead and your right arm behind your back. Bend your elbows and reach your left arm down your back while your right arm reaches up. Use a strap or towel if your hands do not meet. Relax in the posture for one minute, then release and repeat on the other side.
Eagle Arms
The Eagle Pose builds strength in your shoulder joints and opens your upper back. Begin seated or standing with both arms extended out from your shoulders in the shape of the letter T. Reach your left arm forward and slide your right elbow underneath your left. Bend both elbows and allow your forearms to extend to meet each other. Bring the palms of your hands together and lift your arms so that your elbows are in line with the height of your shoulders. Hold for 30 seconds to a minute and repeat with your left arm passing under your right.
Half Lord of the Fishes Pose
The Half Lord of the Fishes pose creates more mobility for your tennis swing by enhancing your rotation and improving flexibility in your upper back. Begin seated with both legs extended on the floor. Bend your right knee and cross your right foot over your left thigh. Twist and place your left elbow outside of your right knee. Continue to hold the twist as you look over your right shoulder. If you would like a deeper twist, bend your left knee and let your foot rest near your right hip. Hold the pose for one minute, then release and repeat on the other side.
Dolphin Pose
Dolphin Pose strengthens your upper back and helps prevent the development of tennis elbow. Begin on your knees with both arms extended in front of you and your forearms anchored to the floor. Curl your toes under as you straighten your legs, lifting your hips toward the ceiling. Align your elbows directly beneath your shoulders and hold. Begin holding the pose for 30 seconds and progress to one minute as your strength improves.
Warrior III
The Warrior III promotes muscular symmetry and enhances concentration. Begin standing in an upright position with both feet together. Step your left foot back and shift your weight onto your right foot. Hinge forward from your hips until your torso is parallel to the floor while simultaneously lifting your left leg behind you. Reach both arms forward and hold your balance. Work toward holding the pose for 30 seconds before repeating on your other side. If you are new to yoga or have difficulties maintaining your balance, you may need a chair or wall close by for support.