Pilates & Yoga Poses
Your Pilates class will incorporate poses for stretching, and you'll use other poses as a basis for building your core strength through more active movements. You have the choice of doing Pilates on a mat or using specialized equipment such as the Reformer. At first glance, a Pilates class may look difficult, especially after you see the Reformer. Don't be scared by how it looks -- the Reformer is designed to help you actively work through ranges of motion in the poses. Use the Reformer with the assistance of an instructor to help build the strength you need to do Pilates poses on the mat properly.
Your yoga class will include stretching poses and weight-bearing poses that use your own body for resistance. Some yoga styles have you hold each pose as a static stretch during the class. Other styles of yoga, such as Vinyasa, will include both static stretching and active flowing poses that match your breath with movement. A subset of yoga poses, referred to as restorative poses, are designed to bring your mind and body into a more relaxed or meditative state. If you are just starting out, you always have the option of using props such as straps, blocks and a chair to help you with your balance and flexibility.
Shared Poses
Pilates and yoga share a number of poses. That isn't too surprising, since Joseph Pilates, the founder of Pilates, studied yoga for years. Examples of poses used in both Pilates and yoga to stretch your back are the Cat, Bridge and Spinal Twist. Shared poses that work your core muscles in Pilates and yoga can include Downward-Facing Plank, Side Plank and Double Leg Lift. You'll also use Downward-Facing Plank and Side Plank to work your arms and shoulders.
Pilates and yoga poses will help you improve your mental well-being. The benefits of both Pilates and yoga are widely recognized in the medical community as alternative forms of therapy for cancer patients, older adults and individuals with injuries or low back pain. If you’re recovering from a medical condition or are looking for a form of exercise to start out with, talk to your doctor or health-care provider to see if Pilates or yoga is right for you.