What Are Two Yoga Poses That Strengthen the Quadriceps?
Your quad is not just one muscle, but four: the rectus femoris, vastus medialis, vastus lateralis and vastus intermedius. The rectus femoris, located at the front of the thigh bone, is the most commonly injured, but also a source of strength if worked correctly as it is the largest of the quad muscles. The vastus medialis and vastus lateralis are on either side of the rectus femoris, and the vastus intermedius is located under the large rectus femoris. All of these muscles meet under your kneecap, therefore having strong quads may improve knee function.
Virabhadrasana II
Virabhadrasana II, also called Warrior II, strengthens both sets of quads at the same time. The pose begins with you standing with extended arms and feet about 4-feet apart. The heels of both feet should be aligned, then turn the left foot in to the right and the right foot out to the right at about a 90-degree angle.Bend your right knee as much as possible -- ideally your knee will create a 90-degree-angle -- while keeping your left leg straight and extended. Tighten your quads and hold for one minute. Repeat on both sides.
According to Yoga Journal, Trikonasana, or the Triangle pose, helps engage your quads. Alignment is key in this pose to both prevent injury and to strengthen the muscles. The pose begins in the same stance as Warrior II with feet and arms wide, toes turned different directions. Instead of bending your front knee, however, stretch your upper body toward the ceiling and then bend at the waist to touch your right hand to your right ankle. Your left hand should reach toward the ceiling and push the left foot into the floor. Hold this position for about a minute while keeping your shoulders square and torso open.
Breath is deeply linked to movement in yoga. To get into the starting position for each of these poses, you can either jump or walk your feet apart, but it should be done on an exhale. The timing of the knee bend in Warrior II and torso bend in Triangle pose should also coincide with your exhale. Many instructors advise doing Trikonasana with your hand on your ankle, but if you need more of a stretch, you can use the floor. Conversely, if your legs are tight you can rest it on your shinbone.
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