Difference Between Alpha & Delta Waves
Alpha brainwaves are associated with daydreams, visualization and meditation. Alpha waves operate around 8-to-13 Hz. When your alpha waves are active, you are in a very relaxed state. Alpha waves are usually dominant in children and creative individuals. However, anyone can learn to increase his Alpha waves. You can increase Alpha waves by visualization, meditation, deep-breathing or even watching television.
Benefits of Alpha Waves
One of the most important benefits of Alpha waves is the ability to slow down a mind that is typically racing. Anxiety, tension, stress and nervousness will disappear when the Alpha waves are present. Alpha waves can enhance problem solving skills, due to the fact these wave cycles affect both the right and left brain hemispheres.
The Delta brainwaves are the most relaxing of all the brainwaves. When Delta waves are present, you are in the deepest states of sleep. The frequency range for Delta waves is below 4 Hz. Generated in the right brain hemisphere, Delta waves are associated with a decreased sense of awareness, empathy and the unconscious mind. People who generally have high Delta waves are babies and very young children, meditators, people who have ADHD or brain damage, and monks.
Benefits of Delta Waves
Delta waves are associated with the release of melatonin and also DHEA, both anti-aging hormones. When Delta waves are increased, you have an increased empathetic ability. If there is a balanced amount of Delta waves, the ability to have compassion and understanding for others happens at an unconscious level. Delta waves also provide you an even deeper connection with your unconscious mind. There are many ways to increase the amount of Delta waves in your brain. Some of these are getting a good night's sleep, yoga, meditation and even hypnosis.