Strange Sleeping Habits
Examples of Normal and Healthy Sleep Habits
If you're in the habit of having a high carb snack several hours before sleep, this is an example of a normal and healthy habit, since this type of ritual can actually promote sleep. Going to bed at the same time each night honors the body's natural rhythms and makes falling asleep easier. Relaxation rituals such as a warm bath or a light stretching exercise also help the body and mind relax and prepare for sleep.
Strange Habits: When to be Concerned
There are ways of sleeping that might be considered odd by your partner or roommate, but that doesn't mean they are harmful or unhealthy. For example, sleeping every night with one leg out from under the covers may look strange, but it's harmless. Sleeping in the same ratty sweatshirt you wore since college may not be glamorous to look at, but it's unlikely to lead to health problems. Sleeping sitting up can actually be helpful for people who suffer from acid reflux. The time to be concerned is if the "strange" sleep habit leads to sleep deprivation, a condition with serious consequences to your mental health.
Habits that Can Cause Sleep Deprivation
Going to sleep at odd hours and taking too many naps during the day are examples of strange habits that can cause you to lose necessary sleep. Regularly falling asleep in a chair in front of the television set can lead to waking up in the middle of the night, which disrupts natural sleep cycles. Smoking, while not necessarily a "strange" habit, is definitely an unhealthy habit, particularly if done right before bed. Not only are the effects of tobacco use unhealthy, but the nicotine serves as a stimulant that makes getting a good night's sleep difficult. And of course, falling asleep with a lit cigarette takes the unhealthy factor to a whole other level. "Head banging" is a fine activity for heavy metal concert goers, but nocturnal head banging is a psychiatric disorder that requires immediate treatment for obvious reasons.
Consequences of Sleep Deprivation
In general sleep habits, strange or not, are only a concern if they lead to sleep deprivation, since going without sleep can have serious implications. Some possible results of sleep deprivation are heart attacks, obesity, mental impairment, depression and other mood disorders. If you suspect your "strange sleep habit" is leading to sleep deprivation, it's time to get help from a medical professional or mental health counsellor.