How to Stay Awake Without Sleeping
Get a lot of fresh air. Cool and fresh air can do wonders for keeping you fully alert and awake, even if you got absolutely no sleep the night before. Environments that are stuffy, hot and humid can lead to serious drowsiness. Go on short and brisk outdoor walks periodically to get some fresh air, or simply leave open a window.
Move around. To boost your energy during a slump, stand up and get moving. If you are in an office, take a few laps around your general area. Take a bathroom break or stop by the vending machine. A little bit of moving around can raise your energy levels for about two hours as a result of additional oxygen being pumped into the muscles, veins and brain. Being sedentary all day long is a recipe for exhaustion.
Stay away from sugar. Although sugar can provide people with temporary energy bursts, it doesn't last long and the crash isn't worth it. Eating sugary treats might make you feel energized for up to an hour, but you will soon experience a major slump. Instead of reaching for chocolate to boost your energy, consider something that can offer you more extended energy, such as multigrain crackers, which are chock full of complex carbohydrates.
Drink caffeine. A little bit of caffeine can go a long way in making you feel less tired and more alert due to the fact that it is a stimulant. However, avoid drinking caffeine in excess, as it could bring upon headaches and anxiety. Consume coffee, tea or soda in moderation, all of which consist of caffeine.
Relax your eyes. If you are in a work or school setting and spend a lot of time staring fixedly at a computer screen, make a point to occasionally rest your eyes. When you stare nonstop at a screen, it can lead to eyestrain and increase feelings of both exhaustion and sleepiness. Take your eyes off of the screen for several minutes at a time in order to give them some time to rest and recuperate.
Make the room brighter. If you are in a dim and dark environment, it will understandably make you drowsier. Bright light can be very effective at making people feel more alert and awake. Turn the lights up or open the windows to increase natural light.
Listen to music. To wake yourself up, blast some uptempo and fast tunes. Consider dance-oriented music that has a strong beat. Not only will it keep you awake, it might even get you dancing.
Laugh at something. Humor can be stimulating which will keep you from falling asleep. Watch a few minutes of a television sitcom, cackle at a clip of a dancing animal on or browse the newspaper for comic strips.