How to Wake Up With Energy in the Morning
Work out regularly. Exercise, particularly of the aerobic nature, can be highly effective for rejuvenating your overall well-being and specifically your lungs and heart. Apart from those benefits, exercise can also increase your daytime natural adrenaline, which can clear your thoughts and raise your energy levels when you wake up in the morning. Work out for between half an hour to an hour a day about five days a week.
Avoid drinking alcohol late at night. Alcohol may be beneficial for helping you to quickly fall asleep, but also functions as a stimulant as your body tries to eliminate it. This can lead to restless sleep and waking up the next morning with absolutely zero energy. Stay away from alcoholic beverages in the two hours or so before your bedtime.
Watch your diet. Your diet also can affect the amount of energy you have in the morning. Both sugar and caffeine can cause you to feel exhausted in the morning. Both of these things trigger glucose level changes and also affect the production of hormones within the body. Hormone production is related closely to sound sleeping at night. Restrict your caffeine intake and drink it only in the morning hours.
Turn the lights on. When you wake up in total darkness, it may make you feel devoid of energy. Immediately after waking up, either turn the lights in your room on or open the window. Bright light can quickly help you feel awake and alert.
Relax. Emotional stress can be very exhausting and have a serious effect on your sleeping schedule, thus reducing your energy in the morning. Participate in anxiety-soothing activities, including meditation, yoga and breathing exercises. It can also be helpful to do these activities right before falling asleep at night to ensure that you wake up feeling fresh and energized.
Go to the restroom before falling asleep at night. If you find yourself waking up several times throughout the night to go to the bathroom, the sleep disruption can lead to fatigue and decreased energy levels the next morning.