Natural Ways to Get Back to Sleep
Don't Focus on Inability to Sleep
When you wake in the middle of the night -- while laying in a relaxed position -- avoid getting upset over your inability to sleep. Stressing yourself out about your sleeping issues will only encourage your body to stay awake. Instead of focusing on negative things, pay attention to the sensations of your body, such as the beating of your heart.
Do Relaxation Techniques
Since worrying about your inability to sleep can make the situation worse, focus on rejuvinating your body through relaxation techniques. If you breathe deeply, meditate or visualize a calming image in your mind, your body will become more relaxed, which may help you fall back asleep.
Do a Quiet Activity
Get out of bed and engage in a quiet activity such as reading, if you have been awake for more than 15 minutes. Avoid turning on bright lights because your body will think it is time to wake up for the day. Do not watch television, use your cell phone or surf the Internet because they emit light that stimulates the brain. In addition, drink a glass of warm milk or herbal tea with a high-protein snack, like a granola bar.
Avoid Thinking Too Much
Some people are unable to fall back asleep because they are worried or excited about something. If you are thinking about a new idea for a work project or a problem you are having with a friend, write it down. If you know you won't forget about it, you may be able to fall asleep. It will be easier to resolve any problems when you're clear-minded. You will be more productive with your new idea in the morning.