Insomnia Remedies
Sleep Environment
Make your sleep environment more conducive to restful sleep. Experts recommend that you sleep in a bed, not on a couch or in a lounge chair. The bedroom should be a comfortable temperature that is slightly cool. Warm temperatures may make it easier to fall asleep, but they can also cause more fitful sleep. Reduce noise and light. If necessary, use a sound machine or ear plugs to block outside noise or street traffic. Pull the blinds down or wear an eye mask to block out light. Turn off the television or other electronics at least an hour before bed time so that your mind can start to unwind and relax.
Sleep Schedule
Adhere to a regular sleep schedule. In order to develop healthy sleeping habits, your body needs to rely on its own biological clock. Experts recommend that you respect your sleep schedule, even on the weekends. It might be tempting to sleep in when you do not have to arise early for work, but it is better for your body if you teach it to awake naturally at the same time every morning.
Avoid Stress Before Bed
Avoid mentally stimulating activities before bed time. You might find it relaxing to complete a crossword puzzle or math puzzle, but these games can actually impair your ability to fall asleep. You should also avoid stressful situations before bed. If you can avoid it, do not work on your taxes or have important discussions with your spouse that may cause worry. Some light physical activity performed a few hours before bed time may help you to sleep better. Yoga, in particular, has been known to help people with sleeping problems because it incorporates breathing and relaxation techniques.
Refrain From Napping
Refrain from napping. It is hard to avoid naps, especially if you are sleep-deprived. But naps taken during the day can interfere with your sleep at night, thus, only worsening your insomnia at night. If you absolutely have to nap, limit your nap to 30 minutes and take it at least 5 hours before you retire for bed at night.
Limit Caffeine and Alcohol
Limit caffeine intake and alcohol consumption in the eight hours prior to bed. Caffeine and alcoholic beverages are known to interfere with the quality of your sleep. Some people rely on a glass of wine to help them get sleepy. It is true that alcohol can sedate the body, but only while you initially fall asleep. Your overall sleep is less restful when your body is working to process and metabolize alcohol in the stomach and the blood stream. Nicotine is also known to impair sleep, so do not smoke.