How should you care for a drunk epileptic person?
1. Don't put anything in the person's mouth. This can block the airway and cause choking.
2. Check the person's breathing and pulse. If they are not breathing or have no pulse, call 911 immediately.
3. Turn the person on their side. This will help to prevent them from choking on their own vomit.
4. Loosen any tight clothing, especially around the neck. This will help the person to breathe more easily.
5. Stay with the person until they are sober. Don't leave a drunk epileptic person alone, as they are at increased risk of injury.
Additional Tips
* If the person is having seizures, do not attempt to restrain them or give them medication. Simply protect their head from injury and allow the seizures to pass.
* If the person is vomiting, be sure to clean up the vomit immediately to prevent the person from aspirating it.
* If the person becomes violent, call 911 for assistance.
* Once the person is sober, encourage them to seek help from a healthcare professional for their epilepsy and their drinking.
Epilepsy and Alcohol
Alcohol is a known trigger for seizures in people with epilepsy. When a person drinks alcohol, it can lower the seizure threshold, making them more likely to have a seizure. In addition, alcohol can also interact with some anti-seizure medications, making them less effective.
If you are an epileptic, it is important to avoid alcohol or to drink only in moderation. If you do choose to drink, be sure to talk to your doctor about how to do so safely.
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