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What is something fragile besides glass?

1. Eggs: Eggshells are thin and delicate, and can easily break if dropped.

2. Soap Bubbles: Soap bubbles are created by trapping pockets of air in soap film, and can easily pop if touched or disturbed.

3. Snowflakes: Snowflakes are delicate crystals of ice that form when water vapor freezes in the atmosphere, and can easily melt or be blown away.

4. Feathers: Feathers are delicate structures made of keratin, and can easily be broken or damaged.

5. Butterfly Wings: Butterfly wings are covered in tiny, delicate scales that can be easily damaged if touched.

6. Petals: Petals are the delicate, colored parts of flowers, and can easily be torn or damaged.

7. Cobwebs: Cobwebs are made of delicate strands of silk produced by spiders, and can easily be broken if disturbed.

8. Icicles: Icicles are delicate formations of ice that form when water drips and freezes from a roof or other structure, and can easily melt or break if touched.

9. Spider Webs: Spider webs are delicate, intricate structures made of silk produced by spiders, and can easily be broken if disturbed.

10. Thin ice: Thin ice can easily break if it cannot support the weight of a human or other object.

11. Lightbulbs: While not as delicate as some of the other items mentioned, lightbulbs can easily be damaged if dropped or hit.

12. Musical instruments: Musical instruments can be delicate, especially those with strings or moving parts that can easily be damaged or knocked out of tune.

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