What causes a person to feel like they will fall over when walking?
1. Inner Ear Issues:
a. Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo (BPPV): These are tiny crystals in the inner ear that can shift, causing dizziness and a feeling of falling when certain head positions are assumed.
b. Vestibular Neuritis: This is an inflammation of the nerve in the inner ear, which results in dizziness, vertigo, and unsteadiness.
2. Neurological Disorders:
a. Multiple Sclerosis (MS): MS affects communication between the brain and the rest of the body, and can cause dizziness and balance issues.
b. Parkinson's Disease: Among its many symptoms, Parkinson's can lead to decreased balance, impaired reflexes, and a feeling of instability when walking.
3. Orthopedic Conditions:
a. Peripheral Neuropathy: Nerve damage in the limbs, often a result of diabetes or other chronic conditions, can impair sensation and lead to balance issues.
4. Vision Problems:
a. Poor Vision: Difficulty seeing properly can impact balance, especially in dim lighting or unfamiliar surroundings.
b. Vestibulo-Ocular Reflex Disorder: Impaired coordination between eye movement and balance may cause dizziness and a sensation of falling.
5. Heart Conditions:
a. Cardiac Arrhythmias: Irregular heartbeats can cause lightheadedness and a loss of balance.
b. Low Blood Pressure: Sudden drops in blood pressure can cause dizziness and a feeling of faintness.
6. Medications:
a. Some medications, especially those affecting the nervous system, can cause dizziness as a side effect.
7. Anxiety or Panic Disorders:
a. Anxiety and panic attacks can lead to heightened awareness of physical sensations, including dizziness or feeling unbalanced.
8. Dehydration:
a. Staying hydrated is essential for many bodily functions, including brain health. Severe dehydration can lead to low blood pressure and, in turn, dizziness.
If you're experiencing a persistent feeling of falling over, it's crucial to consult a medical professional for an accurate diagnosis and appropriate treatment. Self-diagnosis can be risky and delay the resolution of the underlying issue.